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Hi 👋 I’m

Hanoon IH.
Front End
Web Developer.

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About Me

I'm Hanoon Ibn Haneef, from Kerala, India 🇮🇳. I started coding in March 2020, during the Covid-19 lockdown, and I'm a self-taught developer. I love to design and develop modern looking, professional and creative websites with a few animations. Currently I'm developing my skills by practice and side projects. If you are up into some projects, just let me know! Let's make your dream a reality!

Technologies that I use










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UI / UX Design

It is the process of desiging the prototype of your application before coding. for Web and Mobile.

Potfolio Website

In this digital era, Every professional and Job seeker need a website. A Portfolio website is the new resume these days.

Buisiness website

To get more customers online and make your website information online you need a website. I can help you for that.

Web App Development

Have a good idea in your mind? Let's make it a reality. We build complex web applications.

Site Maintenance

Want someone to fix bugs in your website and maintain it with your buisiness updates? We are here for you.

I'm Here for You!

Just tell me about your project with your contact details.

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